In the nNGM, 15 university cancer centers have joined forces to improve the diagnosis and treatment of patients with advanced lung cancer. Clinical trials are essential for this. One focus of nNGM is the molecularpathological diagnosis of patients. On the basis of this diagnosis, the individual genetic characteristics of the patient’s cancer can be determined and, if necessary, appropriate, specific studies can be offered to the patient.
The nNGM provides a regional study register in which all active therapy studies for lung cancer patients of the partner sites in the nNGM are successively listed.
The primary purpose of the study register is to inform the treating physicians, since many factors that are difficult for laypersons to assess have to be taken into account for the inclusion of a study. Cancer patients or their relatives who use the study registry to obtain information on clinical trials should always speak to the treating physician if they have the impression that a suitable trial is being offered. This is the most efficient way to check further details.
Many nNGM centers are also cooperation partners of the German Consortium for Translational Cancer Research (DKTK). The nNGM study register is based on the DKTK study register, which was established in 2016 as a national, central study register for all cancer entities. All studies of the DKTK registry and further information can be found at
Suchtool für nNGM Studien
Das Studienregister bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit schnell, einfach & zielgerichtet nach Studien für Lungenkrebspatienten suchen und sich deren Details anzeigen lassen. Es handelt sich um Therapiestudien, in denen neue Wirkstoffe, chirurgische oder strahlentherapeutische Verfahren geprüft werden. Zu den Suchmöglichkeiten zählen insbesondere molekulare Marker, Therapielinien und beteiligte nNGM Zentren.